Weather in Japan

Weather history - Japan


Temperature min: -13°C

Temperature max: 38°C

Seasons in Japan

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Typhoon season

Monthly seasons in Japan :

January : Dry season

February : Dry season

March : Dry season

April : Dry season

May : Ouragans or typhoons season, high chances of violent storms

June : Rain season, high chances of rain, Ouragans or typhoons season, high chances of violent storms

July : Rain season, high chances of rain, Ouragans or typhoons season, high chances of violent storms

August : Ouragans or typhoons season, high chances of violent storms

September : Ouragans or typhoons season, high chances of violent storms

October : Ouragans or typhoons season, high chances of violent storms

November : Dry season

December : Dry season

Weather of biggest cities

Sapporo Kagoshima Tokyo
January -7°C / -1°C 3h 110mm / 18d 5°C / 13°C 4h 80mm / 9d 18°C 2°C / 10°C 6h 50mm / 6d
February -7°C / 0°C 4h 95mm / 16d 6°C / 14°C 4h 110mm / 10d 17°C 3°C / 10°C 6h 60mm / 6d
March -3°C / 4°C 5h 75mm / 14d 8°C / 17°C 4h 180mm / 12d 16°C 6°C / 13°C 5h 110mm / 9d
April 3°C / 11°C 6h 55mm / 9d 12°C / 22°C 5h 210mm / 12d 18°C 11°C / 19°C 5h 130mm / 10d
May 8°C / 17°C 6h 55mm / 9d 17°C / 25°C 5h 220mm / 12d 20°C 15°C / 23°C 6h 130mm / 10d
June 13°C / 21°C 6h 45mm / 7d 21°C / 28°C 4h 450mm / 15d 23°C 19°C / 26°C 5h 170mm / 12d
July 17°C / 25°C 6h 80mm / 8d 25°C / 32°C 6h 320mm / 12d 26°C 23°C / 29°C 5h 150mm / 11d
August 19°C / 26°C 6h 120mm / 9d 26°C / 32°C 6h 220mm / 11d 27°C 24°C / 31°C 5h 170mm / 8d
September 14°C / 22°C 5h 140mm / 10d 23°C / 30°C 5h 210mm / 11d 26°C 21°C / 27°C 4h 210mm / 11d
October 7°C / 16°C 5h 120mm / 12d 17°C / 25°C 6h 100mm / 7d 24°C 15°C / 22°C 4h 200mm / 9d
November 1°C / 8°C 4h 100mm / 14d 12°C / 20°C 5h 95mm / 7d 22°C 10°C / 17°C 4h 95mm / 6d
December -4°C / 2°C 3h 110mm / 16d 7°C / 15°C 5h 70mm / 8d 19°C 5°C / 12°C 5h 50mm / 4d

Tourism information

The best period to visit Japan is in **March and April**. Spring is also the season of the Sakura (cherry blossoms), which makes it the perfect time to get the best iconic scenes of Japan. Summer (June to August) is also quite frequented but the rain season in June and July and the hot and humid climate is not ideal. Fall (**September to November**) offers better conditions to visit Japan and is the period of the momiji, meaning red leaf as mapple leaves are turning red, creating beautiful scenes. Winter in Japan is cold but you can enjoy skiing or a hot bath in the onsen.


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Frequentation periods :

January: Period with a high number of tourists

February: Period with a high number of tourists

March : Highest period of tourism frequentation, popular monuments likely to be crowded

April : Highest period of tourism frequentation, popular monuments likely to be crowded

May: Period with a high number of tourists

June: Period with a high number of tourists

July: Period with a high number of tourists

August: Period with a high number of tourists

September: Period with a high number of tourists

October : Highest period of tourism frequentation, popular monuments likely to be crowded

November : Highest period of tourism frequentation, popular monuments likely to be crowded

December: Period with a high number of tourists

Health in Japan


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Most active mosquitos periods :

January : No mosquitos or very little

February : No mosquitos or very little

March : No mosquitos or very little

April : No mosquitos or very little

May: Period with medium mosquitos activity

September: Period with medium mosquitos activity

October : No mosquitos or very little

November : No mosquitos or very little

December : No mosquitos or very little