
Select what type of activities you like to do, the cities and activities that will be proposed on the map will then be adapted to your tastes.

Select your style of traveling to get recommended activities
You are like Indiana Jones and like to discover new cultures and new things.
You like going to cities that have a soul and like old monuments, but you also enjoy nature and old sites outside modern cities.
You are sophisticated and you have a deep love for old or modern art!
Paintings, sculpture, litterature, music, architecture, cinema, you like everything that gives emotion and enjoy discovering more of these.
You live mostly at night and like to go to parties and mostly have fun.
During the day you need to chill so going to the beach is a good option.
A trip is better when you can have fun and meet new people!
For you a good holiday rhymes with chillaxing on the beach and drinking cocktails. After all, holidays are meant to rest!
You like to stay in the same place during your trip and like to explore it fully.
Going from place to place is too exhausting!
Life is nothing is you don't live it fully!
Sports is part of your DNA and your thing is skiing or snowboarding, because there's nothing better than the mountains under some soft snow!
You need a place with snow and open ways so you can practice your art.
There's nothing better than riding your board on a crazy sea.
You're always looking for the best spots to practice your passion.
We are the only species that evolved walking on our 2 feets right?
Walking rhymes with a healthy lifestyle, and it's even better when you can do it in astoudishing landscapes. You are then one with nature.
A good trip means some good treks and some time to relax and charming villages.
The only true holidays are in the confort of your tent or caravan, staying in one place for the whole time so you can get to know your neighboors and take aperos with them and enjoying the beach. There's nothing like camping!
You travel only by car or van, which is your second home during a trip.
You like moving from places to places, but enjoy staying in a good place for a while, as long as there are a good spot to spend the night. (TODO ask if stay in hotel or in car/van so we'll look for camping car spots)

Your traveling style


Art lover







Road triper

Things to do

Culture (museums...)

Visit historic sites

High sensation

Night life

Geological sites


Go to the beach


Ski / Snowboard

See volcanos

People's maps

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Region: Languedoc-roussillon

Department / Province: : 48

Medieval Historic

Accuracy of information about this place : ABCD

Raymond of Anduze held the barony of Florac and is recorded as using the castle there in the 13th century. In 1363 local-born Pope Urban V lent the town 300 florins for the construction of ramparts. Such defences were not at all unusual and offered desirable security and protection for the townspeople. These medieval city walls finally came down in 1629 after the Edict of Alès which, despite allowing some concessions for Huguenots, insisted on the pulling down of fortifications at perceived 'strongholds'. Source Wikipedia.

1 Via ferrata de Florac

D16, 48400 Florac, France

Sport Entertainment

Duration: 3h

See activity's details

2 Le Planet

44 Rue Armand Jullié, 48400 Florac, France

Monument Historic site

La maison qui fait angle est l'une des plus anciennes de Florac : sa tour vestiges des remparts, surveillait la porte du Théron. La rue Armand-Jullié, à gauche était l'ancienne ru ecommercante, el...

See activity's details

3 L'Esplanade

16 Espl. Marceau Farelle, 48400 Florac, France

Historic site

Le passage de la sous-préfecture est l'un des passages couverts qui se faufilent sous les maisons : vous venez de traverser les anciens remparts de Florac. Vous vous trouvez à présent dans l'ancien...

See activity's details

4 L'ancien couvent

8 Rue de l'Église, 48400 Florac, France

Monument Historic site Religious site

En dessous de l'église cette maison est classée monument historique depuis 1999. Au XVIIe siècle, elle est occupée par un couvent des Capucins puis transformée d'abord en hôpital, puis en sous-p...

See activity's details

5 Place au beurre

10 Rue Tour de l'Église, 48400 Florac, France

Historic site

Cette placette doit son nom au marché aux produits laitiers qui s'y tenait.

See activity's details

6 Le Vibron

1 Place Louis Dides, 48400 Florac, France

Historic site

Le Vibron est la retenue d'eau sur la source du "Pêcher". Il fut de tout temps une ressource en eau potable pour alimenter les fontaines foracoises. Il permettait également de faire tourner les moul...

See activity's details

7 La château

6B Place du Palais, 48400 Florac, France

Monument Historic site

Rebâti en 1652, après les guerres de religion, le château dee Florac occupe l'emplacement de l'ancien château féodal. Au moment de la Révolution, il est transformé en grenier à sel. Vendu à l...

See activity's details

8 Le Ferradou

6 Rue des Aires, 48400 Florac, France

Historic site

Le Ferradou servait à ferrer les boeufs. Il est situé sur l'ancien foirail où se tenaient les treize foires annuelles de Florac. Aujourd'hui, le bétail n'est plus commercialisé de cette manière,...

See activity's details

9 La source du Pêcher

8 Impasse du Fourniols, 48400 Florac, France


See activity's details

WC Public toilets

20 Rue Tour de l'Église, 48400 Florac, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

See toilet's details

WC Public toilets

12 Route du Causse, 48400 Florac, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

See toilet's details

WC Public toilets

2 Rue de Remuret, 48400 Florac, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

See toilet's details

WC Public toilets

6338 Avenue Jean Monestier, 48400 Florac, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

See toilet's details

WC Public toilets

67 Avenue Jean Monestier, 48400 Florac, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

See toilet's details

WC Public toilets

4 Place de la Gare, 48400 Florac, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

See toilet's details

P Place François Mitterand

6 Rue des Aires, 48400 Florac, France

See car park's details

P Parking de l'église

22 Rue Tour de l'Église, 48400 Florac, France

See car park's details

P Route du Causse

14 Route du Causse, 48400 Florac, France

See car park's details

P La Poste

2 Rue Sipple Sert, 48400 Florac, France

See car park's details

P Parking de l'ancienne gare

6 Place de l'ancienne gare, 48400 Florac, France

See car park's details

P Place d'Arbucles

3 Voie Communale Route Nationale N°106, 48400 Florac, France

See car park's details

Post Office - La Poste

90B Avenue Jean Monestier, 48400 Florac, France

See details

Commerce - Carrrefour Market

Super Market

5B Quartier de la Bècède, 48400 Florac, France

See details

Place of worship - Eglise Catholique

Christian Church

2 Rue Tour de l'Église, 48400 Florac, France

See details

Place of worship - Eglise protestante

Protestant Church

8 Avenue Maurice Tour, 48400 Florac, France

See details

About Florac


1,900 hab.


29 km²

Weather forecast


Clouds Clouds. Average temperature: 8.3°C.
Min: 3.3°C / Max: 13.2°C - Humidity: 59%

Images from Florac

Best things to do around Florac

My style

Style -


Select what type of activities you like to do, the cities and activities that will be proposed on the map will then be adapted to your tastes.

Select your style of traveling to get recommended activities
You are like Indiana Jones and like to discover new cultures and new things.
You like going to cities that have a soul and like old monuments, but you also enjoy nature and old sites outside modern cities.
You are sophisticated and you have a deep love for old or modern art!
Paintings, sculpture, litterature, music, architecture, cinema, you like everything that gives emotion and enjoy discovering more of these.
You live mostly at night and like to go to parties and mostly have fun.
During the day you need to chill so going to the beach is a good option.
A trip is better when you can have fun and meet new people!
For you a good holiday rhymes with chillaxing on the beach and drinking cocktails. After all, holidays are meant to rest!
You like to stay in the same place during your trip and like to explore it fully.
Going from place to place is too exhausting!
Life is nothing is you don't live it fully!
Sports is part of your DNA and your thing is skiing or snowboarding, because there's nothing better than the mountains under some soft snow!
You need a place with snow and open ways so you can practice your art.
There's nothing better than riding your board on a crazy sea.
You're always looking for the best spots to practice your passion.
We are the only species that evolved walking on our 2 feets right?
Walking rhymes with a healthy lifestyle, and it's even better when you can do it in astoudishing landscapes. You are then one with nature.
A good trip means some good treks and some time to relax and charming villages.
The only true holidays are in the confort of your tent or caravan, staying in one place for the whole time so you can get to know your neighboors and take aperos with them and enjoying the beach. There's nothing like camping!
You travel only by car or van, which is your second home during a trip.
You like moving from places to places, but enjoy staying in a good place for a while, as long as there are a good spot to spend the night. (TODO ask if stay in hotel or in car/van so we'll look for camping car spots)

Your traveling style


Art lover







Road triper

Things to do

Culture (museums...)

Visit historic sites

High sensation

Night life

Geological sites


Go to the beach


Ski / Snowboard

See volcanos

What people say 0

Note this city

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2 / 5 (1 note)


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This page was last modified by Mappified Team on 27/12/2019