
Select what type of activities you like to do, the cities and activities that will be proposed on the map will then be adapted to your tastes.

Select your style of traveling to get recommended activities
You are like Indiana Jones and like to discover new cultures and new things.
You like going to cities that have a soul and like old monuments, but you also enjoy nature and old sites outside modern cities.
You are sophisticated and you have a deep love for old or modern art!
Paintings, sculpture, litterature, music, architecture, cinema, you like everything that gives emotion and enjoy discovering more of these.
You live mostly at night and like to go to parties and mostly have fun.
During the day you need to chill so going to the beach is a good option.
A trip is better when you can have fun and meet new people!
For you a good holiday rhymes with chillaxing on the beach and drinking cocktails. After all, holidays are meant to rest!
You like to stay in the same place during your trip and like to explore it fully.
Going from place to place is too exhausting!
Life is nothing is you don't live it fully!
Sports is part of your DNA and your thing is skiing or snowboarding, because there's nothing better than the mountains under some soft snow!
You need a place with snow and open ways so you can practice your art.
There's nothing better than riding your board on a crazy sea.
You're always looking for the best spots to practice your passion.
We are the only species that evolved walking on our 2 feets right?
Walking rhymes with a healthy lifestyle, and it's even better when you can do it in astoudishing landscapes. You are then one with nature.
A good trip means some good treks and some time to relax and charming villages.
The only true holidays are in the confort of your tent or caravan, staying in one place for the whole time so you can get to know your neighboors and take aperos with them and enjoying the beach. There's nothing like camping!
You travel only by car or van, which is your second home during a trip.
You like moving from places to places, but enjoy staying in a good place for a while, as long as there are a good spot to spend the night. (TODO ask if stay in hotel or in car/van so we'll look for camping car spots)

Your traveling style


Art lover







Road triper

Things to do

Culture (museums...)

Visit historic sites

High sensation

Night life

Geological sites


Go to the beach


Ski / Snowboard

See volcanos

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Region: Midi-pyrenees

Department / Province: : 12

Accuracy of information about this place : ABCD

Estaing is the name of two communes in France: Source Wikipedia.

1 Château d'Estaing

3 Rue François d'Estaing, 12190 Estaing, France

Monument Castle Historic site

Le village s’organise autour du Château (MH*). Propriété depuis 2012 de la Fondation Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Président de la République de 1974 à 1981, le château fut pendant près de hu...

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2 Le Pont d'Estaing

Pont gothique d'Estaing, 2 D22, 12190 Estaing, France

Monument Historic site

Le pont gothique sur le Lot (MH*). Ouvrage majeur, le pont d’Estaing est reconnu, depuis 1998, Bien Culturel du Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité par l’UNESCO au titre des chemins de Saint-Jacqu...

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3 Le Collège : Mairie - Office de Tourisme

24 Rue François d'Estaing, 12190 Estaing, France

Monument Historic site

De style Renaissance, Le Collège (ISMH**), fut construit dans les années 1520-1530 pour accueillir les six prêtres de la fraternité SaintJean dite «de Louradou». En façade, sa porte d’accès ...

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4 La maison Saint-Fleuret : Hospitalité Saint-Jacques

8 Rue du Collège, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

L’Ancienne école Saint-Fleuret (1910), vaste maison bourgeoise construite en 1774, abrite aujourd’hui l’Hospitalité Saint-Jacques vouée à l’accueil des pèlerins en route vers Compostelle.

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5 Le quartier du Barry

1 Rue du Barry, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

Le quartier du Barry – faubourg, ancien quartier construit en dehors des remparts – domine Estaing. Au nord, sur la colline opposée, la chapelle de l’Ouradou – de l’occitan «oradou» qui s...

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6 Le presbytère

1 Rue du Barry, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

Ancien presbytère où résidaient les curés-doyens d’Estaing

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7 Le vieux pont sur la Coussane

9 Rue du Pont, 12190 Estaing, France

Monument Historic site

La Coussane, affluent du Lot, prend sa source sur l’Aubrac. Quatre ponts médiévaux enjambaient autrefois le ruisseau pour permettre aux Estagnols de gagner leurs jardins sur la rive gauche. Seuls ...

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8 La crypte de l’église

4 Rue du Pont, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

En haut de la rue du Pont, le mur de soutènement de l’église révèle les fenêtres de la crypte sur laquelle fut bâtie au XVIème siècle l’église. Plus ancien lieu de culte du village, cette...

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9 Place François Annat

3 Rue du Pont, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

La Place François Annat se situe entre l’église et le château. Ce célèbre controversiste du XVIIème siècle, théologien général des Jésuites et confesseur de Louis XIV, a vu le jour dans u...

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10 La venelle Tras le Four

1 Rue du Pont, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

La venelle Tras Le Flour doit son nom à l’ancien four collectif qui faisait face au couvert.

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11 La croix du parvis de l’église

3 Rue du Pont, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

Sur le parvis de l’église, la copie de la croix calcaire quadrilobée (XVI eme siècle – MH*) présente sur sa 1ère face un Christ en croix, dominé par deux anges entourant deux pieds symbolisa...

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12 L’église Saint-Fleuret

3 Rue Château, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site Religious site

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13 Le Tras Caste

5 La placette, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

Longeant le mur d’enceinte Est du Château, le Tras Castel permet de rejoindre le Quai de l’Amiral d’Estaing, avenue carrossable aménagée au XIXeme siècle pour contourner la rue Basse aux pas...

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14 La chapelle du pont

Le Pont d'Estaing, 12190 Sébrazac, France

Historic site Religious site

En 1524, François d’Estaing bénit l’oratoire del Cap del Pont, qui fit place par la suite à la chapelle du Pont, dédiée depuis 1727 à Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs.

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15 La rue d’Oultre

6 Rue de Saint-Fleuret, 12190 Estaing, France

History Historic site

La rue Saint-Fleuret débouche sur l’échauguette arborant une tête de lion au fronton de la 1ère fenêtre et datée 1647 sur la fenêtre supérieure. La rue d’Oultre – par delà l’enceinte ...

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16 La fontaine Saint-Fleuret

1 Route du Nayrac, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

Face à la chapelle Saint-Fleuret, ancienne chapelle des Pénitents aménagée aujourd’hui en gîte d’étape communal, sourde la fontaine Saint-Fleuret dite miraculeuse selon la croyance populaire...

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17 Le quartier de l’Abiouradou

33 Rue François d'Estaing, 12190 Estaing, France

Historic site

Petite place où autrefois se tenait le premier marché des bovins du village et où coule une source alimentant naguère l’abreuvoir - l’Abiouradou - ainsi qu’un lavoir.

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WC Public toilets

2 Rue François d'Estaing, 12190 Estaing, France

Free Adapted for men Adapted for women

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P Place du Foirail

28 Rue d'Oultres, 12190 Estaing, France


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P Parking du quai

5 D920, 12190 Estaing, France


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P Parking du Château

5 La placette, 12190 Estaing, France


See car park's details

About Estaing


600 hab.


17 km²

Best things to do around Estaing

My style

Style -


Select what type of activities you like to do, the cities and activities that will be proposed on the map will then be adapted to your tastes.

Select your style of traveling to get recommended activities
You are like Indiana Jones and like to discover new cultures and new things.
You like going to cities that have a soul and like old monuments, but you also enjoy nature and old sites outside modern cities.
You are sophisticated and you have a deep love for old or modern art!
Paintings, sculpture, litterature, music, architecture, cinema, you like everything that gives emotion and enjoy discovering more of these.
You live mostly at night and like to go to parties and mostly have fun.
During the day you need to chill so going to the beach is a good option.
A trip is better when you can have fun and meet new people!
For you a good holiday rhymes with chillaxing on the beach and drinking cocktails. After all, holidays are meant to rest!
You like to stay in the same place during your trip and like to explore it fully.
Going from place to place is too exhausting!
Life is nothing is you don't live it fully!
Sports is part of your DNA and your thing is skiing or snowboarding, because there's nothing better than the mountains under some soft snow!
You need a place with snow and open ways so you can practice your art.
There's nothing better than riding your board on a crazy sea.
You're always looking for the best spots to practice your passion.
We are the only species that evolved walking on our 2 feets right?
Walking rhymes with a healthy lifestyle, and it's even better when you can do it in astoudishing landscapes. You are then one with nature.
A good trip means some good treks and some time to relax and charming villages.
The only true holidays are in the confort of your tent or caravan, staying in one place for the whole time so you can get to know your neighboors and take aperos with them and enjoying the beach. There's nothing like camping!
You travel only by car or van, which is your second home during a trip.
You like moving from places to places, but enjoy staying in a good place for a while, as long as there are a good spot to spend the night. (TODO ask if stay in hotel or in car/van so we'll look for camping car spots)

Your traveling style


Art lover







Road triper

Things to do

Culture (museums...)

Visit historic sites

High sensation

Night life

Geological sites


Go to the beach


Ski / Snowboard

See volcanos

What people say 0

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5 / 5 (1 note)


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This page was last modified by Mappified Team on 06/12/2019