Weather in China

China offers various climate conditions depending on the region you are in. The best periods to visit China are in spring during the months of April and May, and in September.

Weather history - China


Temperature min: -11°C

Temperature max: 39°C

Weather of biggest cities

Pékin Shanghai
January -8°C / 2°C 7h 6mm / 3d 1°C / 8°C 4h 55mm / 6d 9°C
February -5°C / 6°C 7h 8mm / 4d 1°C / 8°C 4h 40mm / 9d 8°C
March 1°C / 12°C 8h 16mm / 6d 4°C / 13°C 4h 65mm / 9d 11°C
April 9°C / 21°C 8h 35mm / 2d 10°C / 19°C 5h 60mm / 9d 14°C
May 15°C / 27°C 9h 55mm / 9d 15°C / 25°C 5h 90mm / 9d 18°C
June 20°C / 30°C 9h 100mm / 11d 19°C / 28°C 5h 160mm / 11d 23°C
July 22°C / 31°C 7h 200mm / 15d 23°C / 32°C 7h 150mm / 9d 26°C
August 21°C / 30°C 7h 180mm / 15d 23°C / 32°C 7h 155mm / 9d 27°C
September 15°C / 26°C 8h 70mm / 12d 19°C / 28°C 5h 195mm / 11d 25°C
October 8°C / 19°C 7h 35mm / 8d 14°C / 23°C 6h 110mm / 4d 22°C
November 0°C / 10°C 6h 16mm / 5d 7°C / 17°C 5h 75mm / 6d 17°C
December -6°C / 3°C 6h 4mm / 2d 2°C / 12°C 4h 45mm / 6d 13°C

Tourism information

Health in China

There is a high risk of paludism all year round in the Hainan and the Yannan. In the central regions there is a risk of laudism from May to December.


January February March April May June July August September October November December

Most active mosquitos periods :

January : A few mosquitos

February : A few mosquitos

March : A few mosquitos

April : A few mosquitos

May : A few mosquitos

June: Period with medium mosquitos activity

September: Period with medium mosquitos activity

October : A few mosquitos

November : A few mosquitos

December : A few mosquitos