
United Kingdom


Belfast (Irish: Béal Feirste) is a city in the United Kingdom and the capital city of Northern Ireland, on the banks of the River Lagan on the east coast of Ireland. It is the largest city in Northern Ireland and second largest on the island of Ireland. It had a population of 333,871 in 2015.[2] [Source Wikipedia](

Population : 280200 habitants

Superficy : 115 habitants


Weather year round

Temperatures Sunlight Rain
January 1 °C / 8 °C 2h 90mm / 15 rain days
February 2 °C / 7 °C 3h 55mm / 12 rain days
March 4 °C / 10 °C 3h 70mm / 15 rain days
April 5 °C / 12 °C 4h 60mm / 12 rain days
May 7 °C / 15 °C 6h 65mm / 12 rain days
June 9 °C / 18 °C 6h 65mm / 11 rain days
July 12 °C / 20 °C 6h 65mm / 12 rain days
August 11 °C / 19 °C 5h 85mm / 14 rain days
September 10 °C / 17 °C 4h 75mm / 12 rain days
October 7 °C / 14 °C 3h 100mm / 15 rain days
November 4 °C / 10 °C 2h 95mm / 15 rain days
December 2 °C / 8 °C 2h 90mm / 14 rain days

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