Weather in Italy

The best time to go in Italy is at the end of Spring (May, June) and in the beginning of Autumn (September, October). During these periods you will enjoy nice temperatures and avoid the cold temperatures of winter and the hot temperatures of summer.

Weather history - Italy


Temperature min: -7°C

Temperature max: 41°C

Weather of biggest cities

Rome Venise Palermo
Temperature Light Weather Temperature Light Weather Sea Temperature Light Weather Sea
January 3°C / 12°C 4h 85mm / 9d -1°C / 6°C 3h 60mm / 7d 10°C 10°C / 15°C 4h 80mm / 9d 15°C
February 4°C / 14°C 5h 80mm / 8d 1°C / 8°C 3h 50mm / 6d 9°C 10°C / 15°C 5h 80mm / 7d 14°C
March 5°C / 16°C 6h 70mm / 9d 4°C / 12°C 4h 60mm / 7d 11°C 11°C / 17°C 6h 55mm / 7d 14°C
April 8°C / 19°C 7h 65mm / 8d 8°C / 16°C 6h 70mm / 9d 14°C 13°C / 19°C 7h 45mm / 6d 15°C
May 11°C / 24°C 8h 50mm / 6d 12°C / 21°C 7h 85mm / 9d 16°C 16°C / 23°C 9h 25mm / 3d 17°C
June 15°C / 28°C 9h 40mm / 4d 16°C / 25°C 8h 85mm / 9d 20°C 20°C / 27°C 10h 15mm / 2d 21°C
July 18°C / 31°C 10h 25mm / 2d 18°C / 28°C 9h 65mm / 6d 23°C 23°C / 30°C 11h 6mm / 1d 24°C
August 18°C / 31°C 9h 35mm / 3d 17°C / 27°C 8h 85mm / 7d 24°C 24°C / 30°C 10h 24mm / 3d 25°C
September 15°C / 27°C 8h 75mm / 5d 14°C / 24°C 7h 65mm / 5d 22°C 21°C / 28°C 9h 40mm / 4d 24°C
October 11°C / 23°C 7h 100mm / 7d 9°C / 18°C 6h 70mm / 7d 18°C 18°C / 24°C 7h 95mm / 9d 22°C
November 7°C / 17°C 5h 110mm / 10d 4°C / 12°C 3h 90mm / 8d 15°C 15°C / 20°C 5h 95mm / 9d 19°C
December 4°C / 13°C 4h 95mm / 10d 0°C / 7°C 2h 55mm / 6d 12°C 11°C / 17°C 4h 80mm / 10d 16°C

Tourism information

Italy is a very popular destination, particularly Roma, Florence, Pisa, Naples and the cinquo terre region. July and August draw a massive amount of tourists! Try to go in June or September if you want to avoid crowds.


January February March April May June July August September October November December
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Frequentation periods :

January : Low tourist frequentation

February : Low tourist frequentation

March : Low tourist frequentation

April : Low tourist frequentation

May : Medium tourist frequentation

June: Period with a high number of tourists

July : Highest period of tourism frequentation, popular monuments likely to be crowded

August : Highest period of tourism frequentation, popular monuments likely to be crowded

September: Period with a high number of tourists

October : Medium tourist frequentation

November : Medium tourist frequentation

December : Medium tourist frequentation

Health in Italy

The rate of diseases transmitted by mosquitos is very low in Italy. However make sure to cover your forearms in the evening during summer to avoid mosquitos' bites.


January February March April May June July August September October November December
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Most active mosquitos periods :

January : No mosquitos or very little

February : No mosquitos or very little

March : No mosquitos or very little

April : No mosquitos or very little

May : No mosquitos or very little

June : A few mosquitos

July: Period with medium mosquitos activity

August: Period with medium mosquitos activity

September : A few mosquitos

October : No mosquitos or very little

November : No mosquitos or very little

December : No mosquitos or very little