


Split (Croatian pronunciation: [splît] ( listen); see other names) is the second-largest city of Croatia and the largest city of the region of Dalmatia, with about 200,000 people living in its urban area. It lies on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea and is spread over a central peninsula and its surroundings. An intraregional transport hub and popular tourist destination, the city is linked to the Adriatic islands and the Apennine peninsula. [Source Wikipedia](,_Croatia).


Weather year round

Temperatures Sunlight Rain Sea temperature
January 5 °C / 10 °C 4h 80mm / 9 rain days 13°C
February 6 °C / 11 °C 5h 8mm / 65 rain days 13°C
March 8 °C / 14 °C 5h 70mm / 8 rain days 14°C
April 11 °C / 17 °C 6h 60mm / 8 rain days 15°C
May 15 °C / 22 °C 8h 55mm / 6 rain days 18°C
June 19 °C / 27 °C 10h 50mm / 4 rain days 21°C
July 22 °C / 30 °C 12h 25mm / 2 rain days 23°C
August 22 °C / 29 °C 11h 40mm / 2 rain days 24°C
September 18 °C / 25 °C 9h 100mm / 5 rain days 22°C
October 14 °C / 20 °C 7h 160mm / 8 rain days 20°C
November 10 °C / 15 °C 4h 200mm / 12 rain days 17°C
December 7 °C / 12 °C 3h 180mm / 11 rain days 14°C

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