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Bolivia, officially known as the Plurinational State of Bolivia is a landlocked country located in western-central South America. The capital is Sucre while the seat of government is located in La Paz. The largest city and principal economic and financial center is Santa Cruz de la Sierra, located on the Llanos Orientales a mostly flat region in the East of Bolivia.

Practical informations

Capital : Sucre

Population : 10,890,000 habitants

Superficy : 1,099,000 km²

Life quality : % happy

Electric socket type : 220V


Tourism information

Currency : BOB

Money change rate

Weather history - Bolivia


Temperature min: 0°C

Temperature max: 35°C

Weather of biggest cities

La Paz Santa Cruz de la Sierra
January 4°C / 14°C 5h 120mm / 17d 21°C / 30°C 6h 185mm / 13d
February 4°C / 14°C 5,5h 90mm / 13d 21°C / 30°C 6,5h 130mm / 11d
March 3°C / 15°C 6h 80mm / 11d 20°C / 30°C 7h 120mm / 10d
April 2°C / 15°C 7h 40mm / 7d 19°C / 28°C 7h 100mm / 8d
May -1°C / 15°C 8h 13mm / 3d 17°C / 26°C 7,5h 90mm / 9d
June -3°C / 14°C 10h 9mm / 2d 16°C / 24°C 8h 70mm / 8d
July -3°C / 14°C 10h 6mm / 2d 15°C / 25°C 8,5h 50mm / 5d
August -2°C / 15°C 9h 30mm / 3d 16°C / 27°C 8,5h 40mm / 4d
September 0°C / 15°C 8h 30mm / 4d 18°C / 30°C 8h 65mm / 5d
October 2°C / 16°C 7h 40mm / 8d 19°C / 30°C 7h 105mm / 7d
November 3°C / 16°C 6h 50mm / 8d 20°C / 31°C 6,5h 125mm / 9d
December 6°C / 15°C 6h 80mm / 12d 21°C / 31°C 6h 165mm / 11d

Cities in Bolivia

La Paz

Santa Cruz de la Sierra


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