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Places where albert einstein lived

List of places where albert einstein lived

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Place where Einstein was born

Place where Einstein died

Places where Einstein worked

Places where Einstein lived as a kid

Places where Einstein lived as a student

Data used in this map

Ulm, Germany

Place where Einstein was born

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany.

Princeton, NJ, USA

Place where Einstein died

On April 18th 1855 he died in Princeton Hospital at the age of 76.

Berlin, Germany

Places where Einstein worked

In 1917 he is Appointed Director of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Berlin

Bern, Switzerland

Places where Einstein worked

In 1908 Albert Einstein becomes a professor at the University of Bern.

Munich, Germany

Places where Einstein worked

Prague, Czechia

Places where Einstein worked

In 1911 he is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at the German University of Prague

Princeton, NJ, USA

Places where Einstein worked

In 1933 he emigrates to the U.S. and settles in Princeton, New Jersey where he assumes a post at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Aarau, Switzerland

Places where Einstein lived as a kid

In 1895, he is sent to the Swiss town of Aarau to finish high school.

Munich, Germany

Places where Einstein lived as a kid

In 1880 his family moves to Munich.

Pavia, Italy

Places where Einstein lived as a kid

In 1894 due to financial reasons the Einstein family move from Munich to Pavia, Italy

Zürich, Switzerland

Places where Einstein lived as a student

In 1913 he is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

